Jacqueline Nicholls in San Francisco

24 Feb

Jacqueline Nicholls in SFThe Arts of Jacqueline Nicholls: Time, Text & Textiles

On exhibit in the Katz Snyder Gallery
Mid March – June 2015
British artist Jacqueline Nicholls uses her art to explore traditional Jewish ideas in untraditional ways. The exhibition will be comprised of the kittel collection, Nicholls’ interpretation of the different ways that clothing is used as a vehicle for meaning and identity within Jewish tradition; omer drawings, exploring what it means to take into account the things in life that we hold onto, while counting the seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot, and other works.

The Kittel Collection | Draw Yomi Notebooks | Omer Drawings

Katz Snyder Gallery hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Friday – Sunday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Jacqueline Nicholls in SF - 2
Gallery Opening
In this gallery opening event, Jacqueline Nicholls will introduce her style, which emphasizes the meaningful role of the visual, an often under-valued part of Jewish life and learning.

Monday, March 16
7:00 pm
FREE! Advance reservations required:
arts@jccsf.org or 415-292-1233

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